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MK23 Memorial Tournament Team Waiver

In consideration of your acceptance of my team's application to participate in Women's Hockey Academy(WHA) MK23 Memorial Tournament, sponsored and conducted by the WHA, I hereby release, discharge relinquish, give-up, forego, waive and otherwise completely exonerate the WHA, the employees, agents, assistants, representatives, sponsors or others acting on behalf of the WHA, Arena facilities and hotel complexes being used at the MK23 Memorial Hockey Tournament, for any liability, responsibility, culpability, or other basis upon which they may otherwise be liable for any injury, concussion, illness, disability, incapacitation or other physical ailment which might arise in connection with the MK23 Memorial Hockey Tournament activities.

I hereby state that I am in good health but knowingly accept any health problems I may have, either known or unknown, and recognize all risks and responsibilities inherent in the sport of ice hockey. I willingly and knowingly accept such risks in consideration of my participation in this hockey tournament.

This is intended to be a complete and full release, waiver and relinquishment, giving up, foregoing and discharging any and all claims or damages of any kind, character or description against the Women's Hockey Academy and any of its agents, employees, or others acting on its behalf as might arise during my attendance at the aforementioned MK23 Memorial Hockey Tournament. I hereby agree to assume all risk for illness, injury and damage to myself caused by any defect on the ice surface, in the equipment or operation of any equipment used in connection with my attendance at the hockey tournament and further specifically assume the risk of injury resulting from any personal equipment which I use or neglect to use including but not limited to: helmet, face mask, mouth guard, skates, padding, sticks, or any other equipment used or not used during my participation in the MK23 Memorial Hockey Tournament.

This instrument is signed by me voluntarily and I will hold all parties mentioned above and each of them free and clear from all responsibility by any reason of my being upon the property participating, practicing, or otherwise being involved in the MK23 Memorial Hockey Tournament and will hold each of the parties mentioned above harmless from any court costs, attorney’s fees or other expenses whatsoever caused by any suit or injury for damages brought by me or by one on my behalf.

All photographs acquired at above said tournaments become the property of the Women's Hockey Academy and may be used for promotional brochures and website viewing.

I am over the age of 18, have read and voluntarily agree to the terms of this release and specific assumption of risk on behalf of my registered team(s).

Today's Date
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